Issue: A malformed query is "blocking" the Query Library page and I cannot delete it. Cloud v3.117.0
Whilst setting up a specific resource to an AWS hosted S3 bucket I hit the "Test Query" button next to Connector Version
This auto created a new but obviously malformed query in the Query library, but for the wrong type (Big Query Demo).
This query appears at the top of the Your Queries so becomes the default when that page is navigated to.
No ellipsis appears near the play button so it cannot be deleted.
The query components like action type are responsive but do not persist the selection
You cannot navigate to another query as they are non-responsive.
The Retool menu is still active so you can navigate away but on the return the same behaviour persists.
I have logged out and back in again at which point I get a message saying "it looks like we couldn't find this query" (see attached) and the same behaviour happens.
I have switched browsers and that didn't work
Any advice on how to cull it would be greatly appreciated.
I have found a temporary workaround by creating another new query but from the Query Library page so that becomes the top/default query on the page load. This at least lets me get to my existing queries but I cannot navigate to the broken one and hence still can't delete it.