Date picker not showing month / year picker

I have been dealing with an issue on one of my tables for the last week or so where the date picker is not bringing up the month or year selector when i click the month or year in the editable date field UI.

When in a table with a date column, when i select the date and the calendar pops up, i should be able to click the year and see a scrollable list of years to pick from. If i choose the month i should be able to to see the list of months to choose from.

When in a table with a date column, when i select the date and the calendar pops up, then click the year, it just closes the calendar like i selected the date. Same happens for the month, it just selects the existin month and does not pop up the UI to change the month.

Addtional context:

  • This only happens in an editable table that has a date field, the date selector works fine in any forms that have date selectors.
  • If I add another column with a Date type, the same issue is reproduced on the new column.
  • The same issue with all different testing data sets that are known to be valid and working previously
  • This was working perfectly fine up until a week ago.
  • No event handlers on cell selection / change
  • One event handler on row selection, but removing it does not change the issue.
  • This is self-hosted retool instance

Thanks in advance!

just reproduced in a fresh retool cloud hosted app, same behavior.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create new app
  2. Add table component with sample data
  3. Mark created at field as "editable"
  4. Try to change the year in the date selector

is this a bug?

Hello, i replicated it, it does not allow you to pick month or year, it forces you to go month by month until your desired date, is not a expected behavior

Thank you for coming to Office Hours @tfenton, and thank you again for such a great report and repro instructions!

The request has been filed :+1: Will keep this thread updated with any news.

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