Goal: I'm trying to get the driving distance between two locations based on the latitude and longitude.
Steps: I set up a call to the Google Distance Matrix API on a JavaScript Query.
Details: I used the same call on Postman and it works fine. I', also using the Geocode API and it works fine. My API key is unrestricted. I get a CORS error on the browser's when running on retool. Tried using https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/ but is not working. Any idea if there is a specific issue with the distance matrix api?
Update: I manage to call the API using a REST API query because of how I process the response I need the API call to be part of the JavaScript query.
Thank for sharing your solution Woakin! Would you mind sharing details or screenshots for anyone else that may run into this in the future?
Here is a screenshot of how to make the call using the REST API resource. In this example, I use the basic call structure with the parameters: units, origins, destinations, and key. I retrieve the origin's latitude and longitude dynamically with another query called geocodePostalCodes
https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?units=metric&origins={{ geocodePostalCodes.data[0].lat }},{{ geocodePostalCodes.data[0].lng }}&destinations=19.3674396,-99.2617932&key=xxxxxxxxxxxxx