Using JS Query to iterate through URL array with Rest API


To call a Rest API Query over an array of urls, and combine the result into a single table.


Created a native retool query/function "getGDriveCSV":

  • This is a Rest API Query which gets a csv download from google drive as a Base64 datatype, decodes the data, and parses it using papa.parse.
  • This query works well when I pass the url directly into the Base URL input box.

Created a native retool JS Query: "Query5" to iterate through urls using getGDriveCSV.

  • This step is giving me problems, and I am having trouble debugging using retools built in debuggers
  • In theory, Query5 simply
    • takes an array of url stirngs,
    • extracts the ids from each string,
    • pops the ID into "inputText2" (because I didn't know how to directly feed it into the RestAPI "getGDriveCSV")
    • executes getGDriveCSV for each id value
    • and combines the response from each call of getGDriveCSV.


I am a novice script writer and not very familiar with retool, hence setting the url string to "inputText2.value".

However, with that stated, I suspect that the problem lies in both:

  • Query5 and
  • in how I am trying to pass the url to the getGDriveCSV query

Query5 code:

const gDriveURLs = [

// Function to extract IDs from Google Drive links
const extractedIds = => {
  const match = url.match(/\/d\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/); // Regex to capture ID between /d/ and /view
  return match ? match[1] : null; // If match found, return the ID, else null
}).filter(id => id !== null); // Remove null values (in case of no match)

//return extractedIds

let dataConcat = [];
let index = 0

// Function to fetch and concatenate data using a while loop
const fetchData = async () => {
  while (index < extractedIds.length) {
    const url = extractedIds[index];
    // Set the value of textInput2 to the URL
    try {
      // Wait for query4 to trigger and get the result
      const result = await getGDriveCSV.trigger();

      // Concatenate the result (assuming it's an array) to dataConcat
      dataConcat = dataConcat.concat(result);

      // Move to the next URL in the array
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error during query execution:", error);
      break; // Exit the loop if there's an error

  console.log("Data concatenated:", dataConcat); // Log the concatenated data

// Call the fetchData function to start the loop
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Hi @Matt_Billiodeaux! Welcome to the community and thanks for reaching out. :slightly_smiling_face: I think the implementation that you've shared here is very close to functional and just needs a couple of tweaks.

The root of your issue is likely the way that you are interpolating textInput2.value into the URL of the getGDriveCSV query. Specifically, the base URL is meant to be static and doesn't support interpolation. It should probably look something more like the following, where the dynamic portion of the URL is defined separately.

Other than that, there are certain Retool tricks you could make better use of. Using a textInput component to dynamically pass data into a query is clever, but Retool supports this natively using the additionalScope option. There's a great topic on the subject here and I definitely recommend utilizing this approach.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any additional questions.