Components not available when switching to mobile in editor

Retool Cloud,
Trying to get a modal to pop up on loading a page. It works on desktop. However, even though I have "show on mobile" Checked on the modal and every component inside the modal, when I change to the mobile view, all my components (inside the modal) disappear from the component tree. and they fail to show in the editor. I can't be 100% sure, but it seems like this could be an issue going from 3.32 to 3.33 as I'm pretty sure this worked yesterday.

Screenshot 2024-02-02 164945
Screenshot 2024-02-02 165113

Try to check show on mobile for the components you want to show on mobile before click mobile button.

The show on mobile button is checked on all of the components in the modal

I did resolve my issue. I had renamed my modal frame from modalFrame1 to something else. I named it back to the original name it had when first created and it works as expected. This seems to be a bug.


Thanks for reporting this bug and sharing how you've solved it for now! I've flagged it to our team for a fix