Component Event handlers 'Additional scope' fields losing focus when typing

Hey there,

when typing into an additional scope field (or the pop-out code editor), the input is immediately losing focus. You can only type one character before focus is lost, and you have to click into the input again.
Started happening today.

GIF of it happening:
2024-02-20_22-46-00 (1)

After each key stroke, the cursor disappears. It's unusable.

I also encountered the same issue.

Hey @Max @hansontools, reporting this bug to our internal engineering team to have them fix the issue. I'll update this topic when I have any additional information to share. Thanks!

+1, any update on when this will be resolved?

@AJohnson I've bumped the internal ticket. I don't have any updates as of now, but will let you all know when I have any additional information to share.

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It looks like this is resolved, or at least it was for me when I was testing again the other day.

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@AJohnson Thanks for the confirmation! Yes, this fix should have been released last week.