Complex app use case recommendations

Hi i got a complex app (at least for me) this is my use case:

  1. i got an app with a table that shows a list of clients from postgresql

like this

  1. when user click on View Icon, i save a hash param name clientID so i can pass tru that value to the app #2:


  1. in app #2 i have a details app to show all details from the selected client:

now heres the catch, in the top you can see a Prev and Next icon, when i press those, it should navigate tru a table that is hidden in the app #2

now i got a button named: Remove Filters (this should be clicked before clicking the next and prev icons) when user click that it erase all values and then all text inputs should show data from the hidden table in app #2

Right now i got a example query like this

WHERE c.idclave_nombre ILIKE {{ '%' + urlparams.hash.cliente + '%'}}

OR c.idclave_nombre ILIKE {{ '%' + tablaoculta.selectedRow.idclave_nombre + '%'}}

so im looking for hash clientID or selectedrow from hidden table, when i press next button it changes in hidden table but the text inputs are not changing at all. Maybe i need to clear the hash param somehow?

what you guys recommend me? o think i can do this better.

thank you

@agaitan026 Hi there, one thing you can try is to save the URL hash param that is being passed in app 2. You can assign it to a variable. This will make it easy for you to clear the value when the Remove Filters button is clicked. Then you can handle the 'OR' logic in your SQL query in a transformer that returns the correct c.idclave_nombre based on whether the URL params variable is empty or not. It would be something like this:


{{ urlparams.hash.cliente }}


return {{ variable1?.value ? variable1.value : }};

SQL query:

  c.idclave_nombre ILIKE {{ '%' + transformer1.value + '%'}};

The value stored in the variable would be cleared if the Remove Filters button is clicked.

Let me know if this makes sense for your use case or if you have any other questions.

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Perfect, thank you