My app has worked fine for a long time, then today I noticed the formatting on a Checkbox group was incorrect and found there to be an error.
The group layout was set to auto column which nicely displayed a 2 x 2 grid of check boxes. However now, changing the layout does nothing - not even setting wrap makes a difference.
I don't suppose somebody is working on the checkbox group behind the scenes and accidentally created this bug?
I apologize for this issue, if you did not make any changes then most likely this is a bug on our end from an update we released.
Can you share a screenshot of the inspector panel of the check box component? I can try to reproduce this and file a bug report if I encounter the same error. That is very odd that nothing you are trying is working to get the display back to a 2 x 2 grid
To clarify, the component is also throwing an error that is cannot read the property of 'some' as it is undefined, is that the source of data that you are using to populate the check box options?
Very unusual that it is throwing that error but still showing all 4 options in the improperly formatted check box.
Also with Auto Column, if there is no input or zero for "Min Column Width" it will be a single column, but adding in any digit 1 and greater cause the component to create a second column
You said that changing these options did not change the display, correct? Can you share the error message you are getting? Are you mapping over values or do you have the option put in to the component via Manual?