Change Retool Forms Submission Screen

When we successfully submit a standalone Form, the user is redirected to a page containing an advertisement for Retool Forms.

Is there a way to remove or change this?

Our end-users aren't aware of Retool and this submission success screen is causing a lot of confusion, to the point where it's preventing us from using standalone Forms at scale.

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not being able to customize this makes for an awkward user experience when trying to embed the form via iframe--are there plans to officially support embedding forms?

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Absolutely agree on this!

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone! This has been submitted as a feature request to Retool's engineering, product, and design teams. Please keep an eye on Retool's changelog for future releases, and consider subscribing via RSS or JSON for updates.


Thanks @MiguelOrtiz -> same issue / feedback


+1 feature needed here too. Thanks for the update @max_wiederholt :slight_smile:

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Just to link this answer from another topic New Forms App Feature Requests - #4 by joeBumbaca

It is now possible to redirect, although currently only for enterprise.


Please reconsider this advertisement, it is totally confusing to our end users and makes the form completely useless. Thanks

Hi @Gabe, welcome to the forum! :wave:
I added your feedback and +1 to the internal FR.

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Please include this change in self-hosted, at least in the paid plans. I understand standalone forms are a "sales / lead generation tool" for Retool, yet, the clients I presented this to as a quite nice standalone form solution are either laughing at me or got mad at me for the success page, tbh...

Hi @w7_gmbh, I added your feedback to the request. :slightly_smiling_face:

Just finished making a form. Happy it worked and this would have been the solution for us. Until we got the success page and there was confetti. Now we can't use it. I would understand "powered by Retool" and I would proudly put that underneath the message I would like to show my form submitters. But showing your users this,... nobody is going to use it for something professional and serious projects. It's just screaming at you. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Please add ability to redirect without enterprise account. Thanks!

Hi @Steven_W and @Tom_I, I added your feedback and +1s to the internal FR.


same here, please remove the ad for business tier user.
Either increase the plan price or make the retool form as a paid add-on.
This ruin the customer experience and made the app useless.


+1, come on, also on business tier?


Hi Retool Community,

While using the new form submission tool, I've noticed that the success message includes an advertisement for Retool forms. It would be really beneficial to have an option to disable this ad to maintain a seamless and professional user experience.

Would love to know if there’s any plan to implement this feature.

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Hi all, custom redirects on form submissions are now available for Enterprise customers on cloud hosted versions of Retool!

For Enterprise self-hosted versions, this feature is available starting from 3.56.0-edge and will also be included in our upcoming stable release expected by the end of August.