I have a Column of type Boolean.The column is not editable but shows the database data. I want to use other Icons for either 'true' or 'false'. Preferably I would like to create something similar to the image below. Anyone knows how to fix this?
That would be great if it's that simple
Cannot find the option to set it to 'icon' though.. I tried to set it to type; text and add an icon, but that did not work either...
Hi Ellen,
Glad to hear you found a work around for getting icons into the legacy tables.
I'm in the same situation - but I can't even manage to copy/paste the icons into the Mapped value field.
When I try it just pastes the icon text value. i.e. '/icon:bold/interface-alert-warning-triangle'
Can you please explain how you copy/pasted it (where from?) and I'll see if I can replicate your steps?
Seems like a silly question to ask, I know..
Thanks in advance!
Yes, you should use universal unicode emoji's.
Google 'unicode emoji', you get several websites with a list of the emoji's and how they look like in different situations (google/android/browser, etc.)
Mostly there is just a button 'copy' to copy the emoji, and then paste it in your Retool field.
Or right click to copy and paste.
/icon to access the Retool Icons, in my experience, doesn't work in all fields, therefor I used unicode emoji's.