We recently set up our self hosted instance (using stable version 3.52.10) to utilize spaces. We have tried to set up one new space and have been able to copy queries and resources but not apps. For some reason whenever I try to copy an app I get an error stating "Failed to copy pages to space: Query save not found for query." I have tried looking online, through the forums, and in the Discord for help but haven't had any luck yet. I know that I can use the export / import via JSON feature for apps and while this works to some extent it does not import it's dependencies (queries) along with it and any references to other apps or queries are broken because they refer to the original UUID from the original space. Has anyone else experienced this issue before? If so, how did you get around it?
That's not an error I've seen before. Is this happening when trying to copy over a specific app or is it a consistent error? My first thought is that the UUID query reference inside the app somehow became disconnected from the query itself, possibly due to mutations when copying over the query independently. Are you able to share the api container logs?
So this is something that is happening with all of our apps and it has happened before copying any of our queries across to the other space. I'm not sure how we can get our API logs. Can you let me know how to do that so I can share them?
Good to know. The process for accessing logs varies between deployment methods, but you can find an overview here. I can provide more guidance if you let me know how you're deployed - EC2 + Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, etc.