Cannot open app editor

Every time I try to edit or create an app, I get this error:

(Error ID: 850d8cd657d84599b36c9f6fcce5ba75
Failed to fetch dynamically imported module:

Loading the app to use works fine, but the editor doesn't load on either Chrome or FireFox


Nevermind, you appear to have fixed it during the time it took to write the post haha

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I have this same error too. I think it's down.


Hey @jswb

You may refer to this post for a similar issue: Similar issue?.


Same, the editor is absolutely unusable right now.
Looks like this issue is not being posted on the status page as well.


Still having the same problem here

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Identical issue here.

Something went wrong
Error ID: 4f82a00fd1a14b22abbc10a5e4fd4eee
error loading dynamically imported module:

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Hello everyone,

Apologies for this issue. Our team is investigating this right now.

It appears that there is not a known outage on our status page currently.

@jswb it sounds like your issue resolved itself, for the other users, have you attempted to clear your cache and to refresh your browser as @WidleStudioLLP suggested in their linked post?

Is this issue still ongoing where the apps work but just not the editor?

Just got word this seems to be an EU related issue.

If you can use a VPN to connect to our US servers/cloud for the short term while this is fixed that should work.

I also have this error, tried on Safari and Brave

I also have this issue but with workflows.

I'm getting thie error too on our mobile app.

It looks like from our Sentry reporting that the error spike is gone as we have resolved the issue :crossed_fingers:

Let me know if anyone is still experiencing this issue!

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Changes log shows app deletion which was not triggered by team