Bugs In expandable Table

There are many bug in expandable row of table.

  1. when edit the inner cell of table it will edit the outter one either.
    Say I have these data for tables
  {id:"1",orderId:"1001", "purchaseDate":"20231017", orderItems:[{id:"1",qty:1, product:{id:"1",sku:"T001", title:"product name1"} }]}

Here is git to show it.
When you click to edit the column of product(its column type is string instead of multi string), it will edit the Purchase Date column of outter table too.

  1. When you type space or enter button to edit the inner table cell, the changed value will not keep and the the row will be folded. You also can use left right button to locate the edit position here. It seem when you press these two button, it will lost focus of editable cell.
    I use the data below(I have add some data to it)
  {id:"1",orderId:"1001", "purchaseDate":"20231017", orderItems:[{id:"1",qty:1, product:{id:"1",sku:"T001", title:"product name1"} }]},
{id:"2",orderId:"1001", "purchaseDate":"20231017", orderItems:[{id:"1",qty:1, product:{id:"1",sku:"T001", title:"product name1"} }]},
{id:"3",orderId:"1001", "purchaseDate":"20231017", orderItems:[{id:"1",qty:1, product:{id:"1",sku:"T001", title:"product name1"} }]},
{id:"4",orderId:"1001", "purchaseDate":"20231017", orderItems:[{id:"1",qty:1, product:{id:"1",sku:"T001", title:"product name1"} }]}


Here are attached exported app json
ExpandableTable.json (27.2 KB)

Hi @AnsonHwang

Are you still seeing the first issue in this ticket? It appears to be resolved :thinking: The second issue has been flagged to our team for a fix

Not Yet. I tested it, it still on.

Just expand the row like me and edit sku in expandble row of the third row of outter table and you will find this bug.

I tested it on 3.21.0 v cloud.
Here is app json attached.
ExpandableTable (2).json (397.7 KB)

Thank you! I see it on the current version now :disappointed:

Will keep you posted as I hear more

Hi there! The fix for this is scheduled to go out to Cloud accounts this afternoon (Pst) :blush:

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