BUG: Last row missing bottom border in table with expandable rows

  • Goal: Get consistent look in table with expandable rows.

  • Steps: Use attached JSON or create a blank app, drag in a table (will have the demo data), then enable Expandable Rows. Expand the last row, it will be missing a bottom border.

  • Details: Using cloud version of Retool, you can import JSON included below to reproduce. A temporary workaround that I would love feedback on is adding the following to the Custom CSS:

div[role="gridcell"] {
  border-bottom: 1px solid {{ theme.surfacePrimaryBorder }} !important;
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Hello @Abhilash_Nair,
I noticed in my application (Retool version 3.130.0) that the last row of the table is showing a bottom border.

Thanks for sharing this css! It seems to work well for me :blush:

I will make sure we have a request on file to fix this

Thanks for this, from your example the bug appears to not affect all tables with expandable rows, but the bug is reproducible using a fresh table using the instructions I posted.

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