Accessing HTML click target from table cell click action


I'm trying to make custom table column using HTML column type. Inside this html I have 2 buttons which clicks have to be handled separately.

In regular HTML component(not a table column) you can set data-click-target='click1' property which you can handle inside click action then as

if (target.type === "click1"){
   #do something

But when I'm trying to do the same for HTML table column, it does not work. Click event script just saying "target is not defined"

Is it even possible to define separate HTML button click handlers inside table column?
I'm using Retool version 3.33.27 so maybe such ability has been provided in latests updates?

Hi @Ilya_Kalosha,

I just made a feature request for supporting data-click-target in html columns. I'll add your +1!

Some ideas in the meantime are html component in expanded rows, multiple html or button columns (see this example!), or leveraging row actions