Access to openai python module in workflow codeblock

I am trying to use the openai python module in a workflow codeblock.

Is it possible to import third party modules?

If not, I would have thought the openai python module would be one of the preinstalled ones because Retool supports GPT4 in the Retool AI modules?

Hi! By default, Retool Workflows contains the openai library with version 0.27.8, which can be selected from the Libraries pane on the left. Also, I can enroll you in the Python custom libraries beta program, which will allow you to install a more recent version of the openai library.

Hi there, thanks for your quick reply. I need the latest version of openai to use the assistants API, so please could you enroll me in the custom Python library feature flag for my company. My subdomain is:

I have added your organization to the beta. Feel free to share any feedback you may have and thanks for participating!


I am also trying to use the OpenAI Assistant can you add me to the Python Beta too?

Of course, what is your Retool subdomain? - Thanks!

I am trying to use openai in python with assistants in workflows too...

Hey @tanay-retool is it possible to enroll me in the custom libraries beta program as well? I'm writing text-to-speech use cases using OpenAI and currently don't access to those endpoints with the older version of the openai package.

Sure, could you send me your subdomain?

Just DM-ed you

Not sure if you got my private message but my subdomain is Thanks!