How do I schedule my queries to run every hour or day?

Just followed up in our email thread!

Hi Kiersten! Same here. Would you be so kind to involve us as well?

@Kiersten We would love to be early access as well! This would really amp up our capabilities!

@Kiersten can you provide me with early access to this feature? Thanks!

@Kiersten I am also interested! Thanks.

Hi @Kiersten
I also would love to participate in the early access for scheduled queries. Let me know I can get involved :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Kiersten I would like to participate in early access!

Hi there, community! For anyone who is following this thread, we have been hard at work testing this functionality with a closed group of customers. We're excited to keep partnering with you all in future iterations!

While our current group of testers is at capacity, we will be creating a more formal standby list as the offering develops and enters its next stages of adoption. If you would like to join our waitlist, whether you're interested in participating in our next phase of testing or want to be sure you hear when this product is generally available, please fill out this form. If you have already expressed interest in this thread, you will be automatically added to our standby list. Again, thank you all for your continued engagement!


Hello Kiersten,

Is this feature available or can I signup for it?

Hi @Kowshik_Bokka!

While our current group of testers is at capacity, we will be creating a more formal standby list as the offering develops and enters its next stages of adoption.

If you would like to join our waitlist, whether you're interested in participating in our next phase of testing or want to be sure you hear when this product is generally available, please fill out this form!

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@justin @victoria - is this feature still available for postgres sql queries? I don't see it under advanced tab - running cloud instance.... thanks!

Hey @ScottR - this feature is actually still behind a waitlist and hasn't fully launched to Cloud yet!

@victoria - thanks for letting me know... appreciate it. - hopefully it's soon :slight_smile:

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hey! I too was looking for scheduled triggers and until resolved by retool, this is doing it for me. the JS script does the calculation to know how many milliseconds will be in between now and the trigger date/time, that way it doesn´t have to test every second or minute. you can input as many requests as you would like...the only limitation is not refreshing or closing the browser where it was configured until the scheduled triggers run.

var attributes = {"webshopId": textInput1.value}
var endpoint = select1.value

function nightPull() {
  Internal_API_Request.trigger({additionalScope: {endpoint: endpoint, request_body:  								{"data":		{"attributes": attributes}} }});
var timePull = new Date(dateTime1.formattedValue).getTime(),
    timeNow = new Date().getTime(),
    offsetMillis = timePull - timeNow;
		setTimeout(nightPull, offsetMillis);



Any update on when this might be GA? This is the only thing preventing my org from using this service, though we're also not sure what to make of this feature being in beta for 2+ years. Technical challenges? Low priority?

edit; nevermind, i see that's for scheduling a trigger, not an actual refresh cycle


Hello! Checking in on the status of this. We have a commercial app we'd love to replace with a Retool solution, but it has at least one unattended process.

Hey @awilly! Thanks for asking :slight_smile:

Public beta launch for Workflows is coming very soon. If you're interested sooner, we do have a waitlist in the meantime.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Retool Workflows is now live!

With workflows, you can schedule jobs, alerts, and lightweight ETL tasks directly in Retool—without losing the flexibility to use code whenever you want. You can also use Workflows to run background tasks, or even trigger them from your existing Retool apps -- read more about them in our docs.

Feel free to also share any feedback or questions about Workflows to the Workflows category of this forum, as well!