Workflow scheduled trigger keeps reverting back to daily

I’m experiencing an issue with creating/setting up a scheduled trigger in workflows. When I set the trigger to be scheduled to run Weekly on Monday at 4AM MST, then click Save Changes, then I close the split view and press Ctrl+S to save again, the trigger reverts to Daily at 12AM UTC. I have tried different browsers, refreshed, different environments, etc. without success. I open the split pane by first selecting “Edit Triggers” on the startTrigger node, then I select the scheduled trigger to view/edit. I receive the same issue in other workflows where I try to set schedule specifics and they revert.

I was assisted by Susan from the Retool team. She let me know they were able to reproduce this error.

Hi @xzec :wave:

Thanks for reaching out and for flagging that Susan helped you!

Looks like this is an issue with the UI. We found it appears to be stored in the database correctly and it shows the correct value within the block. However, the value in that dropdown is displaying the default value in the UI. We filed a bug for this. For now, it's being set correctly and you should be able to ignore the "reset" for now.