Webhook not being triggered

I am testing my first webhook and cannot get it to trigger. I have tested the webhook trigger in a different environment (make.com) and it works fine. The results look like this:

        "data": {
            "webHookEvent": {
                "topic": "JOB_UPDATE",
                "appId": "xxx",
                "accountId": "yyy",
                "itemId": "zzz",
                "occurredAt": "2024-07-23T03:57:50Z"

My workflow is just the basic webhook trigger and js code to show the results:

My workflow dashboard is showing the workflow is enabled.:

Is there something simple I need to do to get the workflow to start working with the webhook?

You need to set the schedule using the thunder button on the left side. This ensures the triggers run perfectly at the scheduled time. For webhooks, you have to enable them and use the URL of your API. They will execute according to the schedule you set.

After testing different scenarios I realized you need to add the API key in the webhook url.

I couldn't find this anywhere in the documentation but I guess it's a nice extra layer of security.