Here are the instructions I've found to turn off AI in retool for our initial deployments. The question is, what is the TF script for it?
Thanks again
Here are the instructions I've found to turn off AI in retool for our initial deployments. The question is, what is the TF script for it?
Thanks again
Here are the instructions I never posted...
You can disable Retool AI from Settings > Beta.
Hello @bettercallsahl -
So, I read the same thing you did, You can disable Retool AI from Settings > Beta.
, which we reasonably took to mean: "Retool AI is enabled by default", especially with the green toggle saying it is enabled.
However, Retool AI is actually disabled by default, the UI toggle starting out green is a bit of a Fake Out.
To actually enable an account to use Retool AI within the product, it has to be explicitly enabled.
If you do not do this, Retool AI is disabled by default.
Unchecking the UI toggle will simply hide some further non-functional references within Retool about the AI product features - it is not required from a compliance perspective of ensuring AI is not enabled for your deployment.
Additionally, can this be turned on and off per space?
^ If you provide the ENV vars to enable Retool AI for your site, then I am mostly sure the /settings/beta toggle for it gives you Space by Space control.