Trying to update to Self-hosted Retool 3.73.0-edge released on July 31st, 2024

Hi i changed to update
FROM tryretool/code-executor-service:3.73.0-edge
both code executor and Dockerfile
FROM tryretool/backend:3.73.0-edge

it downloads without issues but when i try to run:

sudo docker-compose up -d

it shows

root@retool:/retool-onpremise-master# sudo docker-compose up -d
Recreating 0cf2509bd2b2_retool-onpremise-master_code-executor_1 ...
Recreating a4f69802d1cb_retool-onpremise-master_workflows-worker_1 ...
retool-onpremise-master_retooldb-postgres_1 is up-to-date
retool-onpremise-master_postgres_1 is up-to-date
Recreating 01700bcf032c_retool-onpremise-master_jobs-runner_1 ...

ERROR: for a4f69802d1cb_retool-onpremise-master_workflows-worker_1 'ContainerConfig'

ERROR: for 01700bcf032c_retool-onpremise-master_jobs-runner_1 'ContainerConfig'

ERROR: for 0cf2509bd2b2_retool-onpremise-master_code-executor_1 'ContainerConfig'

ERROR: for workflows-worker 'ContainerConfig'

ERROR: for jobs-runner 'ContainerConfig'

ERROR: for code-executor 'ContainerConfig'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "docker-compose", line 3, in
File "compose/cli/", line 81, in main
File "compose/cli/", line 202, in perform_command
File "compose/metrics/", line 18, in wrapper
File "compose/cli/", line 1188, in up
File "compose/cli/", line 1184, in up
File "compose/", line 713, in up
File "compose/", line 108, in parallel_execute
File "compose/", line 206, in producer
File "compose/", line 699, in do
File "compose/", line 600, in execute_convergence_plan
File "compose/", line 522, in _execute_convergence_recreate
File "compose/", line 108, in parallel_execute
File "compose/", line 206, in producer
File "compose/", line 515, in recreate
File "compose/", line 634, in recreate_container
File "compose/", line 335, in create_container
File "compose/", line 940, in _get_container_create_options
File "compose/", line 980, in _build_container_volume_options
File "compose/", line 1589, in merge_volume_bindings
File "compose/", line 1619, in get_container_data_volumes
KeyError: 'ContainerConfig'
[159988] Failed to execute script docker-compose

what im missing?

thank you

any tip for this? thank you @Kabirdas @Tess @Jack_T

Hi @agaitan026! Let's see if we can get you unstuck.

Which version are you upgrading from, out of curiosity? This looks like it might be a versioning issue, specifically with Docker Compose. Can you try changing the syntax slightly to sudo docker compose up -d?


i just reinstalled everything and worked, thank you

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