Synchronize Contacts data with Outlook

  • Goal: We are looking at the feasibility of setting up a system where we can sync data in our DB (SQL) updated via retool to also sync with the contacts data in Outlook.

  • Details: Do we have a connector to get Outlook contacts data into SQL DB via Retool (APIs may be). ? Also can we may be using workflows have a real-time sync between Outlook and SQL DB data via Retool ?

Hi @Anjali_S ,

Direct sync with Outlook is not possible, but if the contacts are stored in an online email account like exchange online, you could use the MS Graph API to get the contacts from the account. Other services might have an api as well.


Just want to echo that the MS Graph API is probably the way to go for both retrieving and updating contacts in Outlook. You can see the supported actions and documentation here.

I don't have specific experience with this API, but it should theoretically allow for full CRUD. :+1: