Supabase realtime & Retool

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to integrate Supabase libraries into Retool to leverage the realtime data stream from Supabase in my app.

From what I understand, to broadcast realtime events, you need to subscribe using the Supabase JS library, which you can install by following this example (JavaScript API Reference | Supabase Docs).

I attempted to import the library ( through the Libraries menu in Retool. However, even after reloading, the window object does not contain any Supabase references.

Does this mean the library is not successfully loaded?
If yes, does anyone know of a workaround to use Supabase's realtime broadcasting without their JS library?


Hi @Pennatool,

We have docs on importing libraries here:

Typically, you need to choose a minified version.

You could also try using the library in a custom component