Su: Authentication failure

Good morning.

Running Retool self-hosted, 3.52.1-stable, in unprivileged mode. Executor is crashlooping with the following error:

Running code executor container in unprivileged mode as expected user, retool_user (uid 1001) in retool_user_group (gid 1001)
Skipping iptables configuration.
yarn run v1.22.22
Password: error Couldn't find a package.json file in "/retool/code_executor"
info Visit for documentation about this command.
su: Authentication failure

Environment variables:

      value: "true"
      value: "true"


Upgraded to 3.52.14-stable. Same problem.

Ok, here is the solution, the NODE_ENV variable was set to development, but per the documentation, it always has to be set to "production" (even in your development environment).

@josv thank you for sharing your solution!

I will look to have the docs updated. Do you have a link to the page in the docs where is says to have NODE_ENV var to "deployment"?

I don't think that was in the documentation. I probably inferred that the value should be "development" in my development environment. Silly me... :slight_smile:

@josv Apologies that is definitely not intuitive as you are correct it would make much more sense to have the NODE_ENV var set to the development environment you are planning to use it in :sweat_smile:

I will look into why it is set up that way but very happy you were able to catch that!