fails when trying to run local retool


Been trying to test self-hosted retool out for a few days now, but I have not been able to get it start up properly. CF install on AWS failed with unknown error, and local docker-compose install has failed after a few different attempts, so I thought I would ask here.

Here is what docker-compose ps says:

           Name                              Command                State                Ports            

retool-onpremise_api_1 bash ... Exit 137
retool-onpremise_db-connector_1 bash ... Up 3000/tcp, 3001/tcp, 3002/tcp
retool-onpremise_db-ssh-connector_1 bash ... Up 3000/tcp, 3001/tcp, 3002/tcp
retool-onpremise_jobs-runner_1 bash ... Up 3000/tcp, 3001/tcp, 3002/tcp
retool-onpremise_postgres_1 postgres Up 5432/tcp

I cannot upload the full log here since It does not let me do so, but here is the tail for api logs.

36mapi_1 |e[0m Update this package.json to use a subpath pattern like "./".
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m (node:58) [DEP0148] DeprecationWarning: Use of deprecated folder mapping "./" in the "exports" field module resolution of the package at /node_modules/@tryretool/workflowsBackend/package.json.
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m Update this package.json to use a subpath pattern like "./
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m (node:58) [DEP0148] DeprecationWarning: Use of deprecated folder mapping "./" in the "exports" field module resolution of the package at /node_modules/@tryretool/common/package.json.
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m Update this package.json to use a subpath pattern like "./".
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m (node:58) [DEP0148] DeprecationWarning: Use of deprecated folder mapping "./" in the "exports" field module resolution of the package at /packages/common/package.json imported from /packages/common/build/workflows/utils.js.
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m Update this package.json to use a subpath pattern like "./
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m {"message":"license check http response code: 200","level":"info","timestamp":"2023-04-10T13:52:24.482Z"}
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m {"message":"License key feature flag overrides: {}","level":"info","timestamp":"2023-04-10T13:52:24.499Z"}
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m {"message":"Updated license status from licensing server","level":"info","timestamp":"2023-04-10T13:52:24.521Z"}
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m {"message":"[Master] Detected 4 cpus, starting 3 workers","level":"info","timestamp":"2023-04-10T13:52:24.527Z"}
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m {"message":"[process service types] MAIN_BACKEND","level":"info","timestamp":"2023-04-10T13:52:31.504Z"}
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m {"message":"[process service types] MAIN_BACKEND","level":"info","timestamp":"2023-04-10T13:52:31.504Z"}
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m {"message":"[process service types] MAIN_BACKEND","level":"info","timestamp":"2023-04-10T13:52:31.504Z"}
e[36mapi_1 |e[0m ./docker_scripts/ line 10: 58 Killed ./retool_backend

My Dockerfile.local has been updated to
FROM tryretool/backend:2.110.8

CMD ./docker_scripts/

and I did an update and rebuild before I started.

So now I am not sure where to go next. Not enough info to figure what to debug.

Hey @krishnaku!

Exit 137 typically indicates a memory issue, so that may be a good place to start. It would be helpful to see additional logs as well.