Source control or branching in Business Plan

I would like to find out if there are any solutions to branching in Retool within the Business Plan. As there are several editors at one point in time, I would like to make new changes off of the main branch and only merge when it is ready.

P.S. I understand that there is a source control feature in the Enterprise Plan, checking for solutions in the Business Plan.

Hello @ruslan1!

For the Retool Business plan, there is a versioning system which allows app editors to work on several different versions of an app and then each version can be published, previewed, compared and have the live version reverted to a past version.

You can read more about this functionality here at our docs.

In this way you can make changes to an unpublished version of your app, then when you publish your changes it will become the main version of your app that is accessible to users. You can then rinse and repeat this process.

As you mentioned there is much more advanced and granular source control tools and integrations with Git and similar technologies for Enterprise users as outlined in our docs here.

Let me know if you have any specific questions/use cases or examples not mentioned in the docs and I can see if they are covered elsewhere!

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