Sort float column in table

I am having trouble displaying a column in a table.

The column has a structure of "Float 7,2" so it can be shown with 2 decimal places.
I have set it as "Automatic" or as "Number" by it always displays as an Integer.
How can I get it to display with 2 decimal places?

Hey @mdsmith1! Have you tried adding decimal places to your column?

Thank you so much Victoria.
I had it set for Auto. Once I changed to Number then the "Decimal" field showed up. Now it works fine.
I will mark this as the Solution.
Thanks again.

This should now be supported in the new Table component as of v3.36! Thank you for your feedback here :pray:

CleanShot 2024-02-28 at a href=11.57.57@2x.png"/>