Shouldn't the query param _releaseVersion=latest go to the latest live version of a retool app?

Hi, I noted that retool apps with the query param _releaseVersion=latest ignores the current live version of the retool app and goes straight to the latest version even if it is a draft version, is this the expected behavior of this query param?

If this is the expected behavior, I think it should be changed to redirect to the latest live version (like _releaseVersion=live or with no _releaseVersion query param), because for example in the company I work with: we released a version of a retool app with a breaking change as a draft release so we can test in staging without affecting production, however we saw that some users had the _releaseVersion=latest in the URL of their retool apps, so we have to annoyingly ask every user using this query param to stop using it, I think this is problematic because we would have to constantly remind everybody about this behavior making our lives as devs harder since we can't test in non production environments without affecting prod.

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Hi @Giuliano_Macedo

Thanks for reaching out!

Yes, this is the expected behavior. When you use releases, adding ?_releaseVersion=latest to the url will show the app as it is currently being edited - the current working version. This is helpful for testing, but likely not ideal for end users (more info in our docs).

If you have no _releaseVersion url param, an invalid url param, or just ?_releaseVersion=, the app will default to the "live" version of the app (in other words, the published version out of all of your releases). If you specify a valid version of the app in your url params, it'll show that specific version # (for example, ?_releaseVersion=2.0.0)

You can choose whether to include the latest url param in your share url (but it should not default to latest):

Rather than using latest, you can also quickly see the currently edited version using the toggle to preview mode button

For more in depth requirements, we recommend upgrading to Enterprise, so that you get access to source control. On Enterprise plans, you have the option to create multiple instances so, as an example, you could have staging, dev, and prod instances.