Setting up Shopify API integration?

Not quite sure how that works from an auth standpoint

ah, yeah you can do that

you can see at step 4 that you just need a header called X-Shopify-Access-Token, with the value being the access token

@abdul-nimeri Great! I’ll look into that. In the meantime, if you might be able to scope out how much work would be required for Shopify integration, that would be wonderful! Thanks!

hey @wyin, i just took a look and unfortunately it’s looking real hairy :frowning:
it’s too big of a change for me to be able to just do it on an ad-hoc basis, so it’ll have to go through our feature planning and prioritized, which can take a while.

hmmm are there any workarounds you can think of for now?

@wyin super random but we wrote about this on our blog (using Shopify's GraphQL API) recently!