Setting custom CSS for tabbed container tabs width

Hi, I am getting into setting custom css for my components but facing issues when attempting to set the Tabs width. The styling options are very limited, and I want to increase the size. I have tried a myriad of things, but I am really confused. Is this even possible? (Version 3.5.2)

Hi @rjunker, have we tried following this Show & Tell topic?

@AJVancattenburch is one of the CSS kings of the Community.


Wow, what an honor! :star_struck: You are too kind, @Paulo! Thank you so much for the shout-out and the compliment!

Thank you for going above and beyond on helping our Community with Custom CSS! :raised_hands:


Always love to pay it forward for all who have helped me through my development journey :pray:t3: totally what it's all about!

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