Sendgrid resource “Loading spec..”

Hello, my SendGrid and Twilio resources are not loading properly on any of my Retool Workflows, they stay at "Loading spec..". Test connection is successful for both resources.

Hi @juanpa thanks for reporting this Retool bug! :confused: Sorry to hear you're running into this. It has been flagged to our Workflows engineers & I'll post here when I get updates

It sounds like the fix will be going out today! :white_check_mark: :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for the follow-up, Tess. The only way to resolve this error was by deleting the resource and adding it again.

Another issue you should be aware of is that the code module gets hidden in the resource when there is content in the body of an endpoint (referring to SendGrid's integration). I have attached an example for your reference.

1. Resource with code and no body content:

2. Resource with body content hiding code.

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Hi Tess...
I'm seeing the same thing with the Hubspot integration in the workflows. Just writing here in case it's a quick fix for the engineers.

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Hi @Rob_Eifler are you referring to the loading spec issue? I'm not seeing this issue for Hubspot :thinking: Are there any console errors? Does the hubspot resource work in an app? What version of Retool are you using? The version info can be found by clicking on the chat icon in the lower right corner of your screen from the Retool apps list home page or from a Retool app. A menu should pop up which will show your Retool version number:

Hi @juanpa I think this is fixed :crossed_fingers: I'm not seeing this issue on my side, but let me know if it's still happening for you.

If you are still seeing this issue, can you confirm if it works as expected when viewing the block in a tab?

Thank you for the follow-up, @Tess . It appears to be properly shown now when opening the block in a new tab. However, when the block is under the canvas, the code is hidden when there is content in the body.

@Tess Can you confirm the version this was fixed in? I'm seeing this in my self-hosted retool deployment on version 3.16.2.

Hi @win the fix should be in 3.16 :thinking: I recommend upgrading to the latest version of 3.16 (or a later release). Keep us posted!

@juanpa if you're still seeing this issue, can you please post a screenshot? :thinking: