SegmentedControl and Tooltips

I am using SegmentedControl and for space reasons I limit the length of the label string. The label string is accessed using an expression like this:

{{ item["foo-label"] }}

I would like a tooltip to hold an expression like this:

{{ item["foo-description"] }}

So the user could hover over the label and see the full block of text. But when I try to setup such a tooltip I get the error:

ReferenceError: item is not defined

Is there some workaround or alternative to the SegmentedControl?

Hey @Roland_Alden,

You're right, item is not available in the tooltip of Segmented Control.

An alternative would be using the navigation component, which allows you to define Tooltip for each of your options. It is not ideal but I think you could make it work.

Actually it was ideal. Worked great. Thanks for the pro-tip.