Seeking High level tips for building an exam generator with retool & open AI

Hello I’m a retool newbie looking for tips, or a high level outline of resources/ components etc within retool will need build a web app that stores and generates exam / quiz modules - with each module needing multiple tables to be filled.

I’m currently doing this manually by creating the quiz with open AI and then manually adding each question etc to my database…(I know right). I am hoping to simplify process with retool. An outline of resources required from this retool family will help me identify docs to learn in preparation.

Many thanks

Hi @Givemore_Basera I'm moving this to Discussion so that we can keep it open in case anyone has feedback!

Have you already moved forward with a solution? This tutorial is very helpful for starting out with Retool: Web app tutorial | Retool Docs

For AI specifically, this external video might be of interest!