Saving table edits to Google_Sheet (via bulk update query) causes endless edit/save loop

Short movie illustrating my problem


  • I configured a table to be editable.
  • I linked a primary key (from my Google Sheet).
  • I created a bulk update query (linked to the same Google Sheet + primary key) and referred to {{ FactuurLijnen.changesetArray}} as to what to update.
  • I started testing manual cell updates in the table + clicked Save button.
  • This saved the change correctly to the Google Sheet.
  • Unfortunately the cancel/save dialog reappeard -> I clicked save again. [Why ???]
  • Go back to the previous step until you're tired ...
  • Then I hit cancel --> this seemed to undo the operation, but not in the Google Sheet.
  • A simple refresh of the table makes the saved value visible ...
    I can't sell this UX to my user ...

Obviously this is not a bug in Retool, that's impossible.
What am I doing wrong in the process?

Thanks a lot.
Sorry for my inexperience causing this post ...
Kind regards
Marc (on behalf of Patric)

Hi @Patric_Schepens, do you have a succeeding query after the update query?

  • edit table
  • save update query (sheet query)
  • read query (sheet query)

The read query should run when the save query is on success. Also, are you using the legacy table or the new table component?
New Table settings:

You can enable those and then on your Update Query, you should have your Read Query on your event handlers like this:


In the meantime I have solved this issue by using append and update queries, not by relying on interactive changes to be saved from the table.

I'm using the most recent table (primary key, save action ...) as you can see in the video recording I joined to my question.

Thanks for your response, I'll study it after I finished the current batch of work, as I'm on a tight deadline.

Thanks again and have a great day.