SaaS application with multiple accounts

Hello all!

I am wondering, can I use Retool to build a SaaS application where different clients have different accounts?


Hey @fmoh and welcome to the community! What do you mean by different clients having different accounts? You can add users to your Retool organizations, and if you’re on the Pro Plan, granularly manage their access to each app in your workspace.

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I am building a SaaS tool to help agencies manage their freelancers. Each agency will have access to the same database of freelancers but they will have different statuses and can view different work depending on the agency. Is that possible here?

Totally! You can have different apps in Retool that show different data, and give access to specific apps to specific users. For example, if you have a dataset that you only want to show to Agency A, you could make an app called Agency A App, display filtered data in a table, and give read-only access to Agency A. Does that make sense?

Multi tenancy means one app multiple organisations with different databases but the Sam functionality.

You can definitely do that, you can set database table names to be dynamic then inside your user database set a variable on page load that includes the table name. We are doing this ourselves.