Retool Storage Upload in Module alawys throws a "No file selected" error

I am experiencing issues with the upload function to reachable storage. While it works fine when used directly within a module, it fails when I attempt to use the same module within an application. Specifically, I receive a "number file selected" error every single time, despite there being a file within the component that the query is pulling from, as demonstrated in the video linked below.

Goal: I am trying to successfully upload files to reachable storage using a module within an application. The expected behavior is for the upload to work seamlessly in both the module and the application context.


  1. Created a module with the upload function that works correctly when tested in isolation.
  2. Integrated the module into an application.
  3. Encountered a "number file selected" error when using the upload function within the application.
  4. Verified that the file is correctly selected within the component, as shown in the attached video demo.

I have consulted the documentation, but I haven't been able to resolve this issue. Please check out the video and the screenshot demo that I've recorded to highlight the issue.

Video Demo: [ClickUp]

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Preston,

Thanks for reporting this! I'm seeing the same issue :disappointed:

So far, I've been able to temporarily work around this by checking on Upload file to Retool storage in the file button config:

It's a different user experience, but hope that helps until we have a fix :crossed_fingers: