I am using pgadmin to create an event trigger and need superuser permissions. Is there a way to turn this on?
Hi @Shawn_Optipath, are you on Cloud or Self-hosted?
Hi @Paulo, I'm cloud using the retool db.
Thank you! What event trigger are you trying to create?
I was just doing some testing. Looking for a way to only show data linked to a particular user on the server side rather than an sql query.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION set_client_id() RETURNS event_trigger AS $$
client_id UUID;
SELECT id INTO client_id FROM clients WHERE email = current_user;
PERFORM set_config('my.client_id', client_id::text, true);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE EVENT TRIGGER set_client_id_trigger ON login
EXECUTE FUNCTION set_client_id();
Thank you for sharing! Unfortunately, we can't create superuser permissions on RetoolDB. It is only possible on an external db that you can connect as a Resource. In my experience, the only way to filter this data on RetoolDB would be at the query level.
Ok, that's fine. It was a nice to have rather than a need for now.
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