Retool API Rejecting App Token Key

  • Goal: Update user attributes using Retool API

  • Steps:

  1. Set up API token with "Users > Write" permissions as specified in Retool api docs for "Add or update a user attribute"
  2. Create Open API resource using spec url "", Bearer Token authentication, and API token key
  3. Create new query in application using above resource, selecting "POST /users/{userId}/user_attributes" operation and using {{ current_user.sid }} for userId in path.
  4. Confirm in output that the request header includes Authorization, with "bearer" automatically appended to the front of the API token key
  5. Double check API token key, API token scope, Open API resource, and app query
  6. Try manually entering Authorization header

Hey @jbautista,

I see this was solved internally (by changing the spec URL) :blush: