Replacing Dropdowns with Single Tags

Hi @victoria
I am also trying to use dropdown (TagDropdown) available in retool in one of my tables.

but what I get to see in the column "Duration" is just a hyphen and not the values.
can you please help me?

Hey @shailender.kumar! Happy to help. Out of curiosity, what does your object look like in the app's State tab in the left panel? My column seems to be working, so curious to see where our setups differ!

Hi @victoria. I got it worked. Thanks for your response.

Oh wonderful! Thank you for letting me know :hugs: What was the solution for you?

Hi @victoria - certainly appreciate your efforts above, but is there any reason why the column must be "editable column". This assumes that the user should be even allowed to click the dropdown and edit it - if however, the table data is the result of two sql tables being joined and you simple want to populate the foreignkeys witht the right item, (e.g. person below)

id description, person
0 transaction1, 1
1 transaction2, 1
3 transaction3, 2

and you want to just replace the person column with what is in the personTable in the database

1 Person1
2 Person2

My feeling is that the value/item options should be available, even if the column is not set to "editable column". This would then allow a non-editble column with the mappings taken from personTable

id description, person (non-editable)
0 transaction1, Person1
1 transaction2, Person2
3 transaction3, Person2

@griffxbio, definitely valid.

We're tackling this column time in the coming quarter(s) to fix bugs, implement features, etc. so I'll pass this feedback straight to the engineer in charge :slightly_smiling_face:

The Tag (Dropdown) column type (the name for our dropdown column type) is under a bit of construction! :hammer_and_wrench::construction_worker_man:

As of version 2.103.0, custom columns no longer have the option to be set as Tag column types. There's a workaround for this here. Existing columns with that type will continue to function, however, you'll notice that you can no longer create new custom columns and set them to the Tag type. Regular, non-custom columns can still be set as Tag column types.

There are also differences in behavior between Tag columns set to non-editable vs editable.

For non-editable Tag columns:

  • You can set the label and color of the Tag in the column settings

For editable Tag columns:

  • You can see the label, color and default value in the column settings
  • You can click on the cell to view the dropdown list of items

We're looking to make broader changes soon with the upcoming Table v2 component which has a target of being released in Q1 next year. If you have any questions or feedback about this column type, please feel free to start a new thread so we can better track responses/your concerns! :slight_smile: