Reduce spacing between components

  • Goal: I want to space 3 components close to each other on a line horizontally.

  • Steps:
    create 3 components
    1st and to the left most position create a text input box with label on top.
    2nd and to the middle a text box that has value "@"
    3rd and to the right most position create a select field.
    It represents email address all combined as "" in 1st component and selection value from last component such as ""

I like to show all these three up in a nice minimal spacing between components. today "@" text box takes up quite a bit of room and I can't make these component any closer than what Retool Designer UI allows.

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Using an icon for the '@' can help fill the space (if not in a little bit of a goofy way) however, with the minimum component width this is as snug as I could make three horizontally aligned components:


Reducing the height of the icon reduces the overall centered size but leaves more space visible from the minimum width:


In either case, disabling the margins on all of the components can get you a bit more snug, but it's still always going to take up a minimum 3 block width (1 block per component):


follow up; another issue. Alignement of a text component to the select components. Is there way to fine turn the alignment? See the attached image.

@pyrrho - your posted pic shows components aligned correctly. can you please share the .json export of your example?

I exported this to a module:
SampleAlignment.json (7.9 KB)