Read from Clipboard

Hello, is possible to read clipboard in retool?
It seem there is not so api? just copy to cliboard?

MY use case is read the image from clipboard and upload it to S3.

with pure js we can do it, but in Retool it see I can't use navigator.

Is any workaround?

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Hey @AnsonHwang, as you noted, this is currently not possible in Retool. I have logged this internally and will update this thread as I have any additional info for you!

Hi Joe,

I'm also interested in this functionality, could you give us an update on whether this is likely to be possible in the near future?


have you explored autohotkey?

[SOLVED] Autotype from clipboard in remote RDP session - AutoHotkey Community perhaps this method of sending

Hey @chowie This isn't on the near term roadmap, but I've added your interest to the internal ticket that we have tracking this request. I'll pass along any additional updates as soon as I have them.