I'm trying to run a query on a page (default page), that is accessing a component on the same page. I have many queries and components that seem to be doing the exact same thing, but I'm only getting an out of scope error here. Any ideas?

I'm trying to run a query on a page (default page), that is accessing a component on the same page. I have many queries and components that seem to be doing the exact same thing, but I'm only getting an out of scope error here. Any ideas?
Welcome to the forum.
I would check to make sure that those two fields are populated and before running the query, hover over the values in the query to make sure they are being "seen" by the query. Hard to say what's happening without more context.
Hi, thanks. They're definitely populated, but when I hover over them I just see the out of scope error. I have other fields in the same form being accessed by a different query, and those work perfectly. Not sure whats up here.
If you the form is in a modal and you are somehow closing the modal and clearing the form in modal and THEN running the query that could be the issue....
Thanks, that was it! Events weren't running in the order I anticipated and causing that issue.