I am getting a code error: dateRange1 is out of scope for this editor. The query is global.
see scrrenshots. I have no idea why there is a scope error. (I am new to Retool). TIA
Hey @David_G
Your query in Global is fine, but please check if your component is on the default main page. If it is, set your query in the DefaultPage.
Please see the screenshot for reference.
Hey @WidleStudioLLP
thank you. Still dont understand. My DateRange picker is not on the Main page,.
I dont even seem to have a main page. It is on a page called 'Scraping'
I thought since I have a global query it could reference components on any page.
I am including a screenshot of my component tree.
You cannot reference any components in global queries. You need to create the query at the page level, where you can reference the date range component in your new query. Let me know if this is still unclear, and I’ll share some screenshots to help.
I moved the query to the page and that solved the problem. Thank you
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