Public Share Option possible with On-Prem installations?

Hi, is it generally possible to share an app publicly with the on-prem installation? If so, which plan do you need (team or enterprise) and are there things that you have to pay special attention to during the installation? Thanks!

Hey @zelgerj!

You can share an app publicly with the on-prem installation but it requires being on an Enterprise plan (see documentation here), Cloud organizations can access Public Apps using the Business plan as well.

As far as things to pay attention to, the biggest is that Public Apps do not support user-specific authentication and should not house private data.

If you begin building and have any particular questions or blockers you run into, feel free to reach out!

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Hi @Kabirdas,

Great answer! You helped me a lot. I'll be happy to get back to you if I have any further questions.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Hi @Kabirdas, are there any plans to add the Business plan to self hosted? We've just migrated from cloud to on-premise but didn't realise beforehand that the option to publicly share an app isn't there unless on enterprise plans. I will also enquire about moving to enterprise but suspect the pricing might make it out of reach.

Hey @DavidS!

As of today not that I know of but pricing is still something that's being looked at and reevaluated on a regular basis. A number of users (beyond this thread) have requested it as well and thanks for continuing to provide that bit of feedback. Are there any other particular features from Business that you're looking to have access to on self-hosted?

Hey @Kabirdas The main feature we're missing is being able to publicly share an app

@DavidS sorry about the late reply here! The dev team is exploring more ways for orgs to be able to share apps they've created, would you mind telling me more about your use case so that I can check to see if it might align with the work that's being done?

@Kabirdas Sure, the use case is a CRM and project management tool I've built for a company that has a public facing app for customers to see and check their project status using a unique param in the url. This is up and running on the cloud hosted retool, but we recently migrated the staff facing stuff to on premise and it would be great to be able to move this public app too.

The primary reason for the move from cloud to on premise is that cloud retool is very slow to use from the UK due to cloud being hosted in the US.

Hey @DavidS!

It looks like you already saw Snir's post mentioning that the dev team is looking to expand Retool into different regions. There's also this thread which you may or may not have seen where folks are discussing ways Retool might better support external-facing use cases. Hopefully, between those two you're able to find a solution that works for you. But if that's not the case let me know!