PDFExporter In Mobile App

  • Goal: Ultimate Goal is to email downloadable PDF. Data is populated from form component.

  • Steps: I have three Queries.
    3.Email Inspection

Formsubmit query is working great. Triggering the insert into mysql.

PDFExport Query is running but not downloading the PDF. There is a payload with data and the PDF file name.

EmailInspection query is running and sending the email but can not click on the download PDF link.

Here is the HTML:
The Westmoreland Sanitary Landfill Daily Activity Report was on completed at {{moment(form1.data.inspection_datetime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}}

Download PDF: Download PDF Here: Download PDF

  • JSON Export: Says New Users can not upload Attachments

Please let me know what I can do.

In testing it was not downloading but when I completed the form in the app it did download. but the email that sent with it still could not be downloaded. Link can not be clicked

Hi @jkewtts,

I'd be happy to help here. I think I'm going to need some screenshots of exactly what's going on. For instance, I'm not seeing any href in the a tag that you sent through, and I'd be curious to see how you're sending this. Is the PDF getting uploaded somewhere to be downloaded for the user? To be able to send a link to the PDF, it will need to be stored somewhere. You could also send the PDF as an attachment in the email.

Anyway, getting some more details on exactly what you've built here will help a lot in debugging with you. Thanks!