Pass url parameters from app to editor mode

When I switch from app to editor mode or vice versa, I'd like the url parameters to be passed to the other modes url. Most of the times, I'd like to work on the exact page I'm looking at or fix a bug that a user experiences with the currently visible dataset. Therefore I'll have to copy and paste the url parameters every time I'm switching between modes, which somehow feels unintuitive and slow.

Hi @dominik sorry about this regression in functionality. We’re working on a fix and will let you know here once it’s shipped.

Hi @dominik! Just wanted to share the good news :slight_smile: This has been fixed—URL params now persist from preview to edit :raised_hands:

Hey @victoria,

Please can you persist urlparams.hash (i.e. hash parameters) when changing between Preview & Edit mode too?

Definitely. Just bumped this internally! For anyone else seeing this in the meantime, please feel free to comment your +1s and context as well :slightly_smiling_face:

This will be fixed in our next Cloud deploy (usually 1/week), so either by end of this or next week! :slight_smile:

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Hi all! this feature should be available now on the latest cloud release v2.103.2

Hello all :wave: We are using retool self-hosted on version 3.24.4, but when we click to edit a app in the viewer mode, the hash params disappear.

Can we persist hash param on this case?

Hi @Leocardoso94! Hmm this should be fixed by the version you're on :thinking: Would you mind sharing a screen recording of this happening so I can pass it back to the engineering team that worked on this fix?