I am trying to build automations on top of Retools List Users API. However, the following two questions came up in the process:
How does pagination work? I can see that next_token is returned in the response from the API, but what is the query parameter for using the next_token to get the next page?
How can I get the permissions of the users? Is it in the metadata of the user schema?
We currently send all results for all responses except for Resources. The query param is next_token, but we do have to include __RETOOL_ENCRYPTED___(<token>). Here is an example:
Although the response of a GET request to /users or /users/user_id doesn't include permissions, there is a way to extract this information.
Getting a list of User Groups will include their members:
If we wanted to get Permissions for one user, we could use JS to filter the result from groups, selecting the ones that include a user by id or email. Then, make a request to get the Permissions for that group or groups.
Pro tip: you could create a Retool app with Rest API resources that make these requests and have a dashboard that displays this data.