Page-level queries/javascript no longer there

  • Goal: Trying to run page-level queries and javascript that existed a few days ago and when the app was built out.

  • Steps: Open app -> select the page that has the queries on the pages tab -> open code section -> page-level queries/javascript section is not there

  • Details: When we set up the app, we had page-level queries and javascript setup and running fine (last tested end of last week) and at some point this week the page-level section just disappeared and none of the pieces that trigger it work anymore. I've checked the change history and the only thing that has changed is the automated migrations retool runs.

  • Screenshots:
    Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 11.05.57 AM

  • App json export: (too large to paste and forum wont let me upload json)

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Hey @Jaden_Giordano ! We made an update to the UI this week to introduce resizable windows, and sometimes the default window size is really small for page tree. Are you by chance seeing it at the bottom, like this? If so, you can drag it up to see the content of pages tree again, and the height of the container should persist going forward.

At the bottom of this screenshot, you can see a page2 clicker, you can drag that container up.


@Darya_Verzhbinsky Thanks for the quick response! Ah I see now, yea looks like the reason it broke was because some auto migration stuff from another user maybe having the tab open from an old state.

On a note of a feature request then, it would be nice if they auto opened when you are on a page.

Thanks again for the help, everything is resolved now at least!

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I have a kinda similar issue (or at least related) - i can not see the queries of my global section anymore. I have to manually search for them and this is the case for all the pages.

Also, on one perticular page, I have queries of the page sections that simply won't show up (this page was creating by importing a module)

The new queries I create I can see, but all the old ones I can't. But I still can access them when searched manually.

@Darya_Verzhbinsky similar issue here. I have used import app as a page and none of the code from the imported app is visible in the code panel. Resizing panels does not solve the issue.