Onload in multipage

I've got searchParams set correctly I think. But I'm wondering how I can trigger code when they are in the url on load in a multipage app. I haven't found a load event on a table component, but also not on a page. Where do I set on-load logic?

Hey @Steven_W!

There are a few different ways to interpret this question - and a few different solutions, as a result. If you want to execute code when the page first loads, or even some set amount of time after the page has loaded, there is a setting in the "Advanced" tab for doing exactly that.

If, instead, you want to trigger a query only after certain other data has loaded, you can specify a "Success" event handler.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any follow-up questions. :+1:

I didn't know run this query on page load was there. I usually build with retool mobile:

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