Need Help with Global Retry Logic for Snowflake Queries in Retool

Hey Retool Community,

We’re running into random timeouts with our Snowflake queries due to bit increased load (before it wasn't noticable). Currently, we’re manually retrying failed queries, but this isn’t sustainable.

Workflows: Multiple workflows using Snowflake queries.
Issue: Random query timeouts.
Current Solution: Manual retries.

What We Need:
Retry Logic: We know there’s an option to adjust retries at the query level, but we’re looking for a more global solution. Maybe a global error handler?

It would also be great to have a setting for this at the resource level.

Thanks a ton for your help!

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Hey @max_klimen,

I linked this feedback to a feature request in our backlog for more global retry options

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I'll follow up here if it gets picked up

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